Clinics in Malelane

You can book your STI test appointment in Malelane online now. Select the sexual health clinic nearest you on the map of Malelane below. If you need help choosing your test, you can call the Better2Know patient services team on the number above.
Select a clinic to choose your tests and book an appointment online
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Which STIs can I be tested for in Malelane
Better2Know offers you the widest range of Sexual Health tests and screens in Malelane to ensure that you get the right STI tests when you need them the most. We test for all STIs and STDs including:
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
Our medical team has created a range of Better2Know STI screens, each testing for more than one infection and designed for your particular testing needs. If you are not sure which screen is right for you, then please choose our Full STI Screen.
With Better2Know, your STI testing worries will be put at ease.
Chlamydia tests in Malelane
Chlamydia is one of the most common STIs in the world. Most men and women with a Chlamydia infection do not have any symptoms. Especially in the first few weeks and months of infection. Our Malelane clinic tests men and women for Chlamydia with a simple urine sample.
If you have had unprotected sex with a new partner, you should have a test for Chlamydia. You should not wait for Chlamydia symptoms to appear to get tested.
Book an STI test at a Better2Know sexual health clinic in Malelane today using the map on this page. You can also book your appointment by calling our 24/7 helpline and speaking to a member of our Patient Services team.
Gonorrhoea Testing in Malelane
Malelane has one of the highest rates of gonorrhoea infection in Australia. This is why testing yourself for Gonorrhoea has never been more important. By providing a simple urine or swab sample, you will know in a matter of just a few days if you are infected with Gonorrhoea.
Diagnosing Gonorrhoea early can prevent you from further health complications. The Gonorrhoea bacteria is increasingly gaining resistance to antibiotics. By testing and detecting it early, you will protect your health, reduce the rate of Gonorrhoea infections, and lower the number of antibiotic resistant cases of this worrying STI.
Testing for gonorrhoea in Malelane could not be easier with Better2Know by your side.
How will I get my STI test results in Malelane?
Better2Know provides a confidential STI testing service in Malelane that respects your privacy and need to get fast results to confirm your sexual health status. We will notify you of your test results by SMS or email as soon as they are all ready. They will also be uploaded to your secure online Patient Area.
Your area is protected through secure encryption and accessible only to you. You can check on the progress of your results at any time. If you choose a screen, some results may be back sooner than others.
Speak to a member of our Malelane Patient Services team now for more information about the testing process.
How are STIs diagnosed?
STIs in Malelane can only be diagnosed by testing. If you are worried about a sexual encounter you have had, or if you are presenting some STI symptoms, call your local Better2Know testing centre in Malelane now to get your testing appointment booked.
Sexually transmitted infections are tested for using a range of different testing methods, each dependent on the STI or STD that is being tested for. Tests can be run on simple blood samples, self-collection urine samples and swab samples. Each sample is collected by a highly trained doctor or nurse in Malelane.
Testing with Better2Know in Malelane will give you a fast and accurate diagnosis and excellent onward care and support.
How can I prevent STIs in Malelane?
The only way to not have an STI in Malelane is to not have sex. Condoms, femidoms and dental dams can help to prevent STIs spreading, but they will not work all the time. Sometimes bodily fluids are exchanged before the condom (or other barrier method) is put on (or in) and sometimes they may break, or not be used properly.
Having only one sexual partner at a time and regular STI testing in Malelane can help to stop infections spreading. If you do test positive, you should let your sexual partners know so that they can also get tested and treated.
If you are worried that your condom did not work, or it has been over three to six months since your last STI test, you should get tested.
The earlier you get diagnosed; the sooner you can get treated. Call our Malelane helpline to book an STI screen at a sexual health clinic near you.
Can I still have sex if I have an STI?
If you test positive, it is recommended that you stop all sexual activity until you have completed your full course of antibiotics prescribed for your infection. You might also want to have follow up tests as recommended by Better2Know or your doctor, and not have sex until these come back negative.
If you have tested positive for Herpes, HIV or HPV you should consult with your Better2Know doctor about best practice for safe sex as these viruses require different management and treatment and may need long term follow up testing. If you do have sex in this time, be sure to practice safer sex and let your partner know the risks.
STIs in Malelane are passed from person to person through bodily fluids. Although generally safe, kissing can also pass on STIs such as Herpes and HPV. With that in mind, it is always best to stop all sexual activity until you have finished your course of treatment.
Better2Know in Malelane can answer all your questions regarding your positive result, offering 24/7 advice and guidance alongside consultations with your Better2Know doctor.