Clinics in Sunshine Coast

The number of over-50s contracting Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, and Syphilis infections has almost doubled in the state in the last four years. With private STI testing centres in suburbs like Buddina and Birtinya, Better2Know provides private testing across the Sunshine Coast for each of these STIs and many more besides. Each infection can be tested for individually or combined with others as part of a comprehensive sexual health screen.
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STI and HIV Testing on the Sunshine Coast
One of our most popular screens is the Full Screen, which includes testing for seven common STIs. These include:
Hepatitis B
Should you choose to, you can also add testing for infections like Herpes and Hepatitis C to this screen. Our Sunshine Coast clinics are friendly and looking forward to helping you.
What will happen at my STI test appointment?
At your appointment on the Sunshine Coast, your samples will be taken by one of our discreet experienced phlebotomists, before being sent for analysis at our certified, Australian laboratory. The results of our Full Screen will be ready within four working days of your samples’ arrival at our laboratory. Results for other tests or screens may vary, with some results returned as early as one working day from receipt of your samples.
How do I get my STI test results?
We will report your results to you via the secure patient login area of our website. This is accessible by you at any time. Furthermore, a trained sexual health advisor will contact you personally when all your results are ready. You may instead wish to contact us yourself. Just discuss this with us at the time we make your appointment. For your convenience, Better2Know has same or next-day availability six days a week on the Sunshine Coast, including Saturdays.
STI and an STD: What is the difference?
An STI is a Sexually Transmitted Infection, and STD is a Sexually Transmitted Disease. There is no difference between them. They both include HIV, Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, and Herpes, but Doctors have said that patients prefer to test and treat for an infection. So STI has become the more widespread word
Sunshine Coast 24-hour sexual health hotline
To arrange your appointment, contact our expert sexual health advisory team today. Our friendly members of staff will process your booking quickly and discreetly and answer any further questions you may have. You can also book your test or screen online by clicking on Get Started.